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在本示例中,您将在StackHawk 和 Port 之间创建一个 webhook 集成,将应用程序漏洞摄取到 Port 中。该集成将包括设置一个 webhook,以便在扫描应用程序漏洞时接收来自 StackHawk 的通知,从而使 Port 能够摄取和处理相应的漏洞实体。


创建以下蓝图定义和 webhook 配置:

StackHawk vulnerability blueprint
"identifier": "stackHawkVulnerability",
"description": "This blueprint represents a StackHawk vulnerability in our software catalog",
"title": "StackHawk Vulnerability",
"icon": "StackHawk",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"severity": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Severity",
"description": "The criticality of the finding",
"enum": ["Low", "Medium", "High"],
"enumColors": {
"Low": "green",
"Medium": "yellow",
"High": "red"
"host": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"title": "Host",
"description": "The web application host that was scanned"
"category": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Category",
"description": "What vulnerability category this corresponds to"
"url": {
"type": "string",
"format": "url",
"title": "Finding URL",
"description": "Link to the StackHawk Platform for this finding's overview"
"totalCount": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Total Count",
"description": "How many scanned paths correspond with this finding"
"tags": {
"type": "array",
"title": "Tags"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {}
StackHawk webhook configuration

切记用在 StackHawk 中订阅 webhook 时提供的真实 secret 和 header 值更新 WEBHOOK_SECRETAUTH_SIGNATURE_HEADER

"identifier": "stackHawkMapper",
"title": "StackHawk Mapper",
"description": "A webhook configuration to map StackHawk vulnerability to Port",
"icon": "StackHawk",
"mappings": [
"blueprint": "stackHawkVulnerability",
"itemsToParse": ".body.scanCompleted.findings",
"entity": {
"identifier": ".body.scanCompleted.scan.application + \"-\" + .item.pluginId | gsub(\"[^a-zA-Z0-9@_.:\\/=-]\"; \"-\") | tostring",
"title": ".item.pluginName",
"properties": {
"severity": ".item.severity",
"host": "",
"totalCount": ".item.totalCount",
"category": ".item.category",
"url": ".item.findingURL",
"tags": ".body.scanCompleted.scan.tags"
"enabled": true,
"security": {
"secret": "WEBHOOK_SECRET",
"signatureHeaderName": "AUTH_SIGNATURE_HEADER",
"signatureAlgorithm": "plain",
"signaturePrefix": ""

创建 StackHawk webhook

  1. 转到StackHawk ,选择要配置 webhook 的账户。
  2. 导航至左侧导航栏中的Integrations,然后点击Generic Webhook
  3. 点击添加网络钩子,并提供以下信息:
    1. 名称"- 输入 Webhook 的名称。
    2. Description - 为您的 Webhook 提供详细描述。
    3. 扫描数据"- 选择要接收 webhook 事件的应用程序,如果要为所有应用程序配置全局 webhook,则选择 "全选"。
    4. 扫描事件"- 选择 "扫描完成 "事件类型。 5.Webhook Endpoint URL- 输入[creating the webhook configuration](/build-your-software-catalog/sync-data-to-catalog/webhook/#configuring-webhook-endpoints) 后收到的url键的值。 6.授权头名称"- 输入包含授权令牌/密钥的 HTTP 头的名称。例如,可以输入X-StackHawk-Port-Webhook。 7.Auth Header Value - 输入将添加到 webhook 有效负载的secret身份验证令牌。 4.单击创建和测试创建您的 webhook。
为了查看 StackHawk webhooks 中可用的不同事件,请点击以下链接、look here

完成!StackHawk 中应用程序发生的任何更改都将触发指向 Provider 提供的 Webhook URL 的 Webhook 事件。 Port 将根据映射解析事件,并相应地更新目录实体。

测试 webhook

本节包括一个当应用程序被扫描时从 StackHawk 发送的 webhook 事件示例。 此外,本节还包括根据上一节提供的 webhook 配置从该事件创建的实体。


下面是扫描应用程序时发送到 webhook URL 的有效载荷结构示例:

Webhook event payload
"service": "StackHawk",
"scanCompleted": {
"scan": {
"id": "c30e848d-35a7-4357-a113-35ce3392e967",
"hawkscanVersion": "3.1.0",
"env": "Development",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"application": "Python App",
"startedTimestamp": "2023-06-23T11:01:18.273Z",
"scanURL": "",
"tags": ["test-application"]
"scanDuration": "72",
"spiderDuration": "49",
"completedScanStats": {
"urlsCount": "2",
"duration": "121",
"scanResultsStats": {
"totalCount": "5",
"lowCount": "7",
"mediumCount": "4",
"highCount": "0",
"lowTriagedCount": "0",
"mediumTriagedCount": "0",
"highTriagedCount": "0"
"findings": [
"pluginId": "10021",
"pluginName": "X-Content-Type-Options Header Missing",
"severity": "Low",
"host": "",
"paths": [
"path": "",
"method": "GET",
"status": "NEW",
"pathURL": ""
"pathStats": [
"status": "NEW",
"count": 1
"totalCount": "1",
"category": "Information Leakage",
"findingURL": ""
"pluginId": "10035",
"pluginName": "Strict-Transport-Security Header Not Set",
"severity": "Low",
"host": "",
"paths": [
"path": "/robots.txt",
"method": "GET",
"status": "NEW",
"pathURL": ""
"path": "/sitemap.xml",
"method": "GET",
"status": "NEW",
"pathURL": ""
"path": "",
"method": "GET",
"status": "NEW",
"pathURL": ""
"pathStats": [
"status": "NEW",
"count": 3
"totalCount": "3",
"category": "Information Leakage",
"findingURL": ""


结合示例有效载荷和 webhook 配置会生成以下 Port 实体(在上述示例中,由于 findings 数组包含多个对象,因此会生成多个实体):

"identifier": "Python-App-10020-1",
"title": "Missing Anti-clickjacking Header",
"blueprint": "stackHawkVulnerability",
"properties": {
"severity": "Medium",
"host": "",
"totalCount": 1,
"category": "Information Leakage",
"url": "",
"tags": ["test-application"]
"relations": {}